This server has been monitored since 1 year ago with uptime of 99.99%
Detected language of this server is Spanish
Server looks to be located in Falkenstein Saxony Germany
Server last checked 54 minutes ago
This server is allowing new users to sign upThis website using a GreenHost
Pod mantenido por la asociaciĆ³n EDUCATIC para la comunidad de la Universidad de La Laguna: es posible el respeto a la privacidad en el uso de redes sociales. Educar tambiĆ©n es imaginar otro futuro.
This server ull.social runs mastodon software, version 4.1.0This server has been monitored since 1 year ago with uptime of 99.99%
Detected language of this server is Spanish
Server looks to be located in Falkenstein Saxony Germany
Server last checked 54 minutes ago
This server is allowing new users to sign upThis website using a GreenHost
Uptime & Speed
User Stats
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Sending Graphiql API to https://api.fediverse.observer
Sending Graphiql API to https://api.fediverse.observer